Our History
The College of Political Science at Tikrit University was established by virtue of the ministerial order issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on December 13, 2010. It was previously a department affiliated with the College of Law. Ten batches of specialized students in political science have graduated from the college, after choosing to study at the university. The duration of study in the college is four years, and upon completion, graduates are awarded a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. The language of instruction at the college is Arabic.
The college's vision is educational, scientific, professional, and academic, through which it aims to achieve global accreditation among similar colleges in the Arab world, the region, and the world, and to consolidate and deepen the teaching of scientific political knowledge with the principles, foundations, rules, and mechanisms of managing public affairs (governance) in Iraq and various countries of the world at the theoretical level and at the level of political practice, leading to the preparation of specialists through solid scientific curricula and at a high level of scientific and political maturity to serve our country.
The mission of the college is to expand the horizons and knowledge of political science students regarding the origins, foundations and principles of political science and the rules of political work at the official and popular levels, and to prepare and prepare an aware and specialized generation in the field of political science that has an effective role in political life and in formulating public policy within the institutions of the Iraqi political system, and to meet the needs of Iraqi society with the aim of raising it to the ranks of civilized societies that seek freedom, justice and equality, and to graduate specialists who possess political knowledge and the ability to manage state affairs at the local, national and international levels.
• Preparing specialized cadres in political science who have the ability to work academically and educationally and practice effectively in the field of specialization.
• Preparing competent cadres in the field of political science to meet the needs of the state and its various institutions, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and security services.
• Preparing teaching cadres for the purpose of teaching the subjects of democracy, human rights, which have become basic courses in all Iraqi university colleges.
• Providing political consultations to state departments in everything related to the political process and elections and developing cooperation with civil society institutions to contribute effectively to building society and the state.
• Activating the scientific research movement in the fields of political thought, international relations, political systems and theories, human rights, and crisis analysis, especially those that have a direct impact on our country and its future, and in a way that contributes to the development of specialized studies and curricula in these fields.