University policy

Tikrit University has undergone a transformation, prioritizing innovation, research excellence, and global engagement. The institution is committed to fostering a dynamic learning environment that encourages creativity and international collaboration. By emphasizing these aspects, Tikrit University aims to become a hub for cutting-edge research and produce graduates who are globally competitive and equipped to address global challenges.

University policy

University policy

Tikrit University is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive academic environment, built upon the principles of excellence, integrity, and social responsibility. The university's policy is designed to promote equal opportunities for all students, faculty, and staff, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, or religion. The institution upholds rigorous academic standards, encouraging critical thinking, research, and innovation among its members. Tikrit University also prioritizes community engagement, encouraging students and faculty to actively contribute to the betterment of society through various outreach programs and initiatives. By maintaining a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, Tikrit University aims to empower its students to become well-rounded individuals, equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the challenges of the modern world.

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Sustainability and climate action policy at the university

Our university is deeply committed to promoting sustainability and taking decisive action against climate change. This policy outlines our fundamental approach to cultivating a greener campus and minimizing our environmental footprint. Through the adoption of sustainable practices, our aim is to inspire our students, faculty, and staff to become conscientious stewards of the environment.

Energy Efficiency: We will prioritize energy savings and enhance efficiency across our campus. This includes the installation of energy-saving smart lighting, improvements to heating and cooling systems, and raising awareness about energy-saving practices. Our objective is to decrease energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewable Energy: We will actively seek opportunities to generate renewable energy on campus. This may involve the installation of solar panels or collaborating with local renewable energy providers. By transitioning to clean energy sources, we can decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a sustainable future.

Waste Reduction and Recycling: We are dedicated to waste reduction and promoting recycling. Throughout our campus, we will implement comprehensive recycling programs and provide easily accessible recycling bins. Additionally, we will encourage the reduction of single-use plastics and promote initiatives for biodegradation to minimize organic waste.

Green Procurement: We will prioritize sustainable procurement practices by sourcing products and services that adhere to recognized sustainability standards. We will favor environmentally friendly and socially responsible suppliers, while also encouraging fair trade and the utilization of organic and local products to the greatest extent possible.

Curriculum Integration: We will seamlessly integrate sustainability principles into our academic curriculum. This entails offering courses across various disciplines that focus on sustainability, climate change, and environmental preservation. Our objective is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address sustainability challenges within their respective fields.

Campus Outreach and Engagement: We will actively promote a culture of sustainability through extensive outreach and engagement efforts. This may involve organizing events, workshops, and seminars that address environmental issues. We will encourage students, faculty, and staff to actively participate in sustainability initiatives, volunteer for environmental projects, and engage in environmentally friendly activities.

Our university is firmly committed to striving for net-zero emissions as we actively contribute to combating climate change and preserving our environment. We will transform all aspects of our activities and operations to become sustainable and free from harmful emissions.

Monitoring and Reporting: We will establish a robust monitoring and reporting system that provides regular evaluations to track our progress in achieving our sustainability goals. By conducting periodic assessments, we can identify areas for improvement and monitor our environmental performance. We will share updates and achievements with the university community to foster transparency and accountability.

Through the implementation of this core sustainability and climate action policy, our university is taking tangible steps toward creating a more sustainable campus. We wholeheartedly invite all members of our university community to actively participate in these efforts and contribute to the development of an environmentally responsible institution. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and inspire future generations to prioritize sustainability and combat climate change.

University Sustainable Procurement Policy

 procurement processes in a way that ensures the acquisition of products and services that have a positive environmental and social impact. We believe that sustainable procurement plays a crucial role in supporting sustainable development and promoting good social ethics and practices .

  • Supplier Evaluation :  We will establish specific criteria to evaluate potential suppliers. Suppliers' environmental and social performance will be considered, including their environmental and ethical practices and their treatment of labor rights, diversity and financial transparency. Suppliers that meet our sustainable standards will be selected .
  • Environmental Sustainability :  We will promote interest in products and services that have a positive environmental impact. Recyclable product design, use of renewable materials, and efficient and energy-saving products will be taken into consideration. We will work to reduce the use of harmful and environmentally polluting materials and move towards sustainability in the supply chain .
  • Social Sustainability :  We will ensure that suppliers adhere to social sustainability standards. Issues of workers' rights, social justice and decent working conditions will be taken into account. We will cooperate with suppliers who work to improve working conditions and encourage social and development initiatives in local communities .
  • Training and Awareness :  We will provide training and awareness to procurement faculty and staff on sustainable principles and practices in procurement operations. We will provide educational and guidance resources to help make sustainable decisions and promote awareness of the importance of sustainable procurement .
  • Transparency and Reporting :  We will follow a transparent approach to our procurement processes and will provide detailed periodic reports on our sustainable performance. We will publish information on sustainable procurement, preferred suppliers and environmental and social performance ratings. We will work to encourage sustainable procurement and contribute to raising the level of transparency and accountability .
  • Conclusion  By adopting a sustainable procurement policy, we affirm our commitment to sustainable development and improving the environmental and social impact of procurement operations at the university. We call on all members of the university community to work in a spirit of partnership and cooperation to achieve the goals of sustainability in procurement and to contribute to creating a better and more sustainable world for all
University Sustainable Procurement Policy

Introduction: Our university is committed to social and environmental responsibility, and recognizes that sustainable investment has a significant impact on society and the environment. The university's sustainable investment policy aims to guide investment decisions in a way that enhances social and environmental dimensions and achieves sustainable financial returns.

Investment Portfolio Evaluation: We will evaluate the university's current investment portfolio and analyze its social and environmental impact. Specific criteria will be adopted to identify sustainable companies, funds and projects that align with our sustainable values and goals.

Investing in Sustainability: We will promote investment in companies and funds that have strong sustainability practices and adhere to social and environmental responsibility standards. We will work to promote innovation and development in sustainable investment and channel funds towards positive environmental and social solutions.

Collaborations and Partnerships: We will seek to build partnerships with sustainable investors and relevant financial institutions to promote sustainable investment in the university. Together, we will work to exchange knowledge and experiences, foster innovation in sustainable investing and achieve greater positive impact.

Transparency and reporting: We will work to increase the transparency of investment activities and provide regular and comprehensive reports on sustainable investment performance. We will publish information about sustainable investments and their social and environmental impact, and contribute to enhancing transparency and accountability in the sustainable investment sector.

Conclusion: By adopting a sustainable investment policy, we express our commitment to smart and responsible investment that takes into account the social and environmental dimensions of achieving sustainable development. We call on all members of the university community to work together to promote sustainable investment and achieve our financial, social and environmental goals in an integrated manner.

University plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2050

Introduction: This plan aims to transform the university into an entity operating with zero net emissions by 2050, in order to contribute to combating climate change and preserving our natural environment. This plan will be based on an analysis of environmental sustainability and will be implemented in collaboration with all members of the university community.

Plan objectives:

1. Reducing carbon emissions: Setting clear goals to reduce carbon emissions resulting from university activities, and setting a time plan to achieve zero net emissions.

2. Relying on renewable energy sources: Increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy, and working to develop an infrastructure for generating renewable energy.

3. Improving energy efficiency: Implementing programs to improve energy efficiency in university buildings and other facilities, such as updating systems and equipment to be more efficient.

4. Encouraging sustainable transportation: Promoting the use of sustainable means of transportation such as bicycles and public transportation, and providing infrastructure that supports these means.

5. Awareness and education: Promoting awareness of the importance of transitioning to zero net emissions and providing education and training to members of the university community about environmental sustainability.

6. Cooperation and partnership: Cooperating with relevant institutions, companies and organizations to exchange knowledge, experiences and sustainable practices.

Implementation plan:

Evaluation and Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of current emissions and analyze the university’s needs to achieve carbon zero.

Setting goals and planning: setting measurable and verifiable goals and setting a time plan to achieve them.

Implementing actions: Implementing specific actions to reduce emissions and improve environmental sustainability, including adopting new technologies and developing the necessary infrastructure.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitor the progress of the plan, evaluate the results achieved, and make the necessary adjustments to achieve the targeted goals.

We look forward to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and the positive impact the university will have through its commitment to environmental sustainability and the transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy at the university

Introduction: Tikrit University is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where all individuals are valued, respected, and provided with equal opportunities. This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy demonstrates our commitment to promoting equality, eliminating discrimination and promoting an environment that celebrates diversity. This policy applies to all members of the university community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Policy Statement:


a. Tikrit University is committed to treating all individuals fairly and fairly, regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic.

B. All University policies, procedures, practices and decision-making processes will be reviewed regularly to ensure they are free from discrimination and promote equal opportunities.


a. Tikrit University values and supports diversity in its community, including different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities.

B. The university will work to promote diversity by creating an environment that encourages the attraction, retention, and promotion of individuals from underrepresented groups.


a. Tikrit University is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that embraces and respects all members of the university community.

B. The University will promote practices that ensure equal access to educational, career, and advancement opportunities for all individuals.

C. Discrimination, harassment and any type of exclusionary behavior will not be tolerated.


a. University leadership:

1. University leadership, including the President, University Council, and department heads, bears responsibility for implementing this policy.

2. You will allocate the necessary resources, create an inclusive climate and ensure effective policy dissemination.

B. Faculty members and supporting staff:

1. Faculty and support staff are expected to adhere to this policy, treat others with respect, and contribute to an inclusive and welcoming environment.

2. Faculty and support staff are required to participate in relevant training and professional development opportunities to enhance their understanding of the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

C. Students:

1. Students are expected to respect the rights and dignity of others, promote inclusion, and contribute positively to the university community.

2. Students must report any cases of discrimination, harassment, or exclusionary behavior to the relevant university authorities.

Support and reporting mechanisms:

a. The University will establish support mechanisms, including reporting channels, for individuals who have experienced discrimination, persecution or exclusionary behaviour.

B. The University will investigate all reported cases promptly and fairly and take appropriate disciplinary action where appropriate.

Training and education:

a. The university will offer recurring equity, diversity and inclusion training and education programs for faculty, staff and students to raise awareness and promote positive behavior.

B. These programs will aim to develop cultural competency, address unconscious biases, and promote a comprehensive understanding of the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Monitoring and review:

a. The University will monitor and review this policy regularly to ensure its effectiveness and conformity with best practice in the field of equality, diversity and inclusion.

B. The views of the university community, relevant stakeholders and external sources will be sought to strengthen our policies.

Conclusion: Tikrit University is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse environment where individuals of all backgrounds can thrive. By implementing this Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, we are committed to creating a culture that celebrates differences, eliminates discrimination, and promotes equal opportunities for all members of our community.