Held a meeting

Mr. Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Saleh Mohammed, along with the Head of the Horticulture and Garden Engineering Department, Professor Dr. Harith Barhan Al-Din Abdul Rahman, held a meeting with representatives from the relevant departments benefiting from graduates of agricultural colleges. These representatives include the Seed Inspection and Certification Department, Agricultural Research Department, Farmers' Associations, Tikrit Municipality, Salahaddin Agriculture Department, Salahaddin Province, and a representative from civil society organizations, in addition to a representative from the Mabain Al-Nahrain Company, the Salahaddin Agricultural Engineers Union, the Forests and Desertification Department, and the Meteorological Species Department. The purpose of the meeting was to formulate a vision, mission, and goals for the Horticulture and Garden Engineering Department that align with the job market.

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